Organizers of the Global Solo Challenge 2023 (GSC) are delighted to announce that Range Global Services (RGS) will be the event partner for satellite communications equipment and airtime.

Satellite communications are crucial for safety-related purposes in any adventure event, especially events taking place in the ocean where there are no traditional communications available. Satellite phones serve as a primary aid in the coordination of information, and for communications in the event of an emergency.
The GSC requires that each yacht carry two satellite phones for this event. One phone will be kept in a waterproof container for use during the event, and the other will be kept securely in a grab bag for extreme emergencies. Both of these phones are required to have spare batteries.

Reliable satcoms are essential to entrants for downloading regular weather files in order to route themselves along the fastest trajectory while avoiding heavy weather conditions or calm winds.

General Communications
Entrants will not only need to be in contact with event organizers during the race, but will wish to regularly communicate with their family, friends, and supporters to relay their experiences as they circle the globe alone under sail. These insights will form the core communications that will be shared globally not only by participants, but by event organizers across social media platforms.

A Partner for The Entrants
The cost of satellite communications for an around the world sailing event are a serious budget consideration for all entrants. RGS will provide the most cost-efficient solutions to meet the requirements of GSC organizers.

For the periods of their qualification and the event itself, RGS will provide entrants with not only the best priced equipment rental and airtime rates, but also the best customer support. Entrants who prefer to purchase equipment, or who already own equipment, can also take advantage of rates put together especially for the GSC.

The emergency grab-bag phones will be an Iridium handheld phone, and the general communications will be based on usage of the Iridium Go! Airtime plans need only be activated when used at sea, keeping costs to a minimum.

A New Era in Satcoms
By 2023 the data transfer speeds over satellite communications is expected to improve with the new Iridium Go! and other new solutions. These products will offer significant improvements over the current Iridium data speeds experienced with the Iridium GO! As details and pricing become available they will be shared with GSC participants. RGS anticipates improvements which will allow entrants to communicate using normal texting and messaging services such as WhatsApp. The ease and affordability of this upcoming generation of satcoms will be of huge benefit to GSC entrants.

Event Director, Marco Nannini commented: “We welcome Range Global Services to our expanding group of event partners. Our entrants will be alone aboard their yachts, but with this arrangement they should not be lonely as they will be able to communicate so easily and cost-effectively. From a safety perspective, we are extremely grateful to Range Global Services for their enthusiastic support in this important area.”

Range Global Services Managing Director, Terry Daniels commented: “We are extremely excited to be working with the organizers of the Global Solo Challenge 2023. RGS understands the importance of communications while at sea, whether it is for primary communications or emergency purposes. RGS looks forward to putting together the most cost-efficient and reliable solutions for the participants.”